Hagg Hill house is a Grade II Listed Building ref 12,13
Listing Text –
1/81 (South Side)
31-1-67 Hagg Hill House
Farmhouse. 1666, 1684, C18 and C19 plus C20 additions. Coursed sandstone rubble
with gritstone dressings and quoins. Coursed squared gritstone to C19 wing. Slate
roofs with leaded ridges. Moulded stone copings and kneelers to gables with ridge
finials. Various large stone ridge stacks. Two storeys plus attics, three gabled
front with two storey side wings, irregular fenestration. Chamfered flush doorcase
with massive quoined surround. C19 raised and fielded panelled door. To east,
4-light recessed, square sectioned mullion window with C18 metal casements. To
west, three similar 2-light windows with similar metal casements. Above, five
similar 2-light windows with C20 leaded casements. Blind niche over door. Similar
second storey windows to side wings, western one without mullion. Above, in
gables, two similar windows to east. Single light recessed and chamfered window
to western gable. Datestone on west gable wall inscribed ‘FCK 1684’. To rear,
early C19 addition with glazed doors below, C20 small pane window over. To west of
this,C20 swimming pool with C18 Venetian window over. Plaque above, inscribed
‘1666 FCE’. Directly over Gothic tracery window in former recessed and chamfered
mullion window. Hoodmould over. Interior- two very large arched fireplaces,
chamfered beams and C18 panelled doors. Staircase, small, wooden and spiral.
also see Hagg Hill House barn